Friday, September 28, 2007

The Office Party!

The Office season premiered last night! I wish every episode was an hour long! I thought the first half was better than the second. It was a great way to start off my winter! Now I'm just waiting for American Idol and Lost to start up again. Since we were overly excited about the season premiere, (do we have a life?) we decided to throw a little party for all the fanatics like ourselves. Everyone had to wear a name tag with their character name. I was Pam, (since my hair sadly looks just like hers when it's naturally curly) Zachary was Andy (Andrew Bernard) He looks the closest to him and can impersonate his singing! I made little gift bags with office goodies inside. It was a fun night! Can't wait till next week!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

One Week Left!... or Three?

I'm down to my last week of pregnancy, maybe.. If I was getting induced on my due date. My inducement date is Oct. 11. So we'll see if this little boy decides to join his family before then or not. I keep getting random contractions. Last night I had this radiating lower back pain followed by a few hard contractions, nausea and then.. nothing. I've never had a baby before so I don't even really understand what to expect. I feel like my body will never go into labor! With my luck, I bet I will be super late and have to be induced. The countdown begins. .(I can't wait!)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My favorite review

After making about 30 expo tv reviews in a row, you start acting a little... off? Here's a perfect example:

Sunday, September 2, 2007

One Year!

Saturday was our one year anniversary! I can't believe how fast the year went by. It was such a great year! When I think about our first year of marriage, I can't help but see how blessed we've been. It seems like every time a challenge or trial was thrown at us, there was always light at the end. The first year is "supposedly" the hardest, well if that was the hardest it gets, than we're set for life! (ha ha ha jk) I'm so happy I made the decision and married Zach! He is my best friend and the greatest person I know. We make a great team, and I think we bring out the best in each other. I highly recommend marriage for anyone (with the right person of course) I look forward to our second year, and all the new challenges it will bring! (Like being new parents and all)

My confession

Less than a month ago I was totally against reading the very popular "vampire love story" that everyone, .. especially in everyone in Utah is raving about. My husband, believe it or not, was actually the one who talked me into reading the book. We (he) bought 2 copies and each read the book. Two weeks later,..on to book 2... I'm Hooked! It was very easy to become attached. I'm impressed with the way Stephenie Meyer wrote the novel. It could have easily been a flop. So, for those of you who don't want to give Twilight a chance, you might want to reconsider.