It was a bummer when I got a cold 3 days ago though. I completely lost my voice and I can't taste a thing! Ben and Jerry's doesn't even sound appealing to me. I can barely taste the delicious home made beef jerky my in laws just made. Poor Me! Okay, I'll stop complaining. At least I have a chance to rest! I'm so grateful for all the help I've had with Jonah, especially since I've been sick.
I am SO looking forward to seeing my One true Love again! He headed up early last week to start a job and get us a home. What a man. I can't wait to see him!
I've had so much fun here! I was able to see my sister and Zach and I went to the temple which was so nice! It had been probably over four months since we've gone on a date!
I'm really going to miss seeing my parents and in laws. It's so much fun to see them all with Jonah. He adores his grandparents. Though it's probably a good thing we're leaving because my mom won't stop calling Jonah "Chubbykins" and I'm worried he's going to catch on to what she's saying.
I will never forget the time Kathy (Zach's mom) asked me if I wanted anything on my rice. I looked at her with a blank face, having no idea what she meant. We both laughed really hard. Here at the Nalder's, some like ketchup on rice, parmesian on rice, or ranch on rice. Oh and the most interesting to me is rice with milk and sugar. That's okay though because I eat green olives out of a jar, chip beef over toast, gyros, and my favorite meal of all time is corned beef! No wonder I have such a hard time cooking for Zach! My taste in food is completely foreign!
So I better go pack up. I really am sad. I love my family. We don't get to visit that often. So here's to reality! I have to get back to being a full time mother, holding Jonah's hand's out of the toilet while I try to use it, not taking a shower till nap time, and actually being able to go on a walk without getting heat stroke! I can't wait!