Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This morning we visited a farm with Jonah's preschool!
Jonah was so anxious to get there he kept yelling "Drive faster mommy! Hurry!" 
What I didn't expect was how much Emma enjoyed it too. 
She would have rolled around with the pigs if I had let her.

They each got to hold a baby goat.
Look how affectionate Jonah is. 
Emma ran off to show me the cows. 
Look at her point!
She's saying "I'm going to touch them okay!" 

But she got a little too close and had to make a dash. 
Everyone got to take home an egg too
but I think most of them cracked before we left. 

Okay, so instead of writing a huge post about Jonah. 
Tonight I'll just share a few notes I took on him today:

This morning (like every morning) I have pretty bad nausea. 
Jonah wanted me to help him build his trains and
I told him my tummy was hurting so I couldn't. 
Jonah said, " Mommy I tickle your tunny and make it all better? Mommy need to go to hospital to make your tunny better?" ....." Mommy did you eat monster food?" 
"Is there wots of monster food in your tunny that makes your throat choke?" 
Later on.. 
me: "Jonah do you want to go down the slide?" 
Jonah: " No, when I'm big and strong I will."

And here are a couple from sunday. Jonah came into our primary class because he didn't want to sit in sharing time. When we asked if he wanted to go back to sharing time he said " No. I'm so cold! I need to go home and take my clothes off and get in bed. I need to get cozy." 

And as I was typing this Jonah started yelling for me from bed so I went in to see what he needed and he said" Mommy I need to get out of bed. I'm coughing myself." 
"your coughing yourself??" 
"Ya, I'm coughing myself. I need to get out of bed." 
I told him that he just needed to go back to sleep and he said, 
"No. Sleeping won't make me better." 

 So I told him we were going to the big park tomorrow and he got super excited and said, 
"Mommy! You need to make me eat lots of really giant food so that I can grow really big and strong and go down the giant slide all by myself! Oday?" 

I love him. I laugh so hard every day.

Monday, February 7, 2011

2 . 7 . 2011

Wow! Way to start on my New Year's resolution. Better late than never right? 
 Well since it's been like a year since I've really sat down and blogged. Much has changed. 
One is we are very excited to have another BOY this June! 

This post is pretty random but here are some pictures as of late. 
We went to Peter Piper Pizza with Jonah's preschool and then again like a week later. It's Disney land to Jonah.
These are just a mix of both visits.
Jonah is too hard to snap a picture of 
so it's mostly just Emma.

Making personal pizzas
Emma absolutely Loved this game!
She really tried so hard.

And that's all I got. Good times! 

We've been at the park a lot lately..

This picture makes me laugh just because Jonah posed all on his own and it ended up making the perfect "staged" pic. He is getting so big, and such oh my SUCH a CHATTER BOX! He says the FUNNIEST stuff. Next post will be all about Jonah's sentences.

Emma. Can't keep her still. She will take off the minute she gets a chance. 
She is turning into the biggest goof!
She is about 15 months now and blabbers and twirls.
She is so goofy, We love it!