Saturday, April 30, 2011


The Past week I've been taking the kids to the park after Emma wakes up from her morning nap. I pack a lunch for Emma (Jonah usually eats before we go) and it is so easy! I love not worrying about her throwing her food on the floor or making a huge mess on her tray. She loves being outside and we will be sad when its too hot to play at the park. Its still in the 80's but that's not going to last much longer! Just grateful our resident's club has a sweet water park. Not looking forward to making sure Emma doesn't drowned! She loves water.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Delicious Easter cupcakes by Kaci
The Easter Bunny dropped off some goodies!
Crazy on Papa and Mormor's new trampoline
Today we enjoyed some beautiful weather.

Camera Shy

Watched movies in bed.
The End.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

big sister

Emma Pooh,
I can't believe you're about to become a big sister. You are still my baby girl and I don't want you growing up that fast!

But then again, I am so grateful to have such an independent 17 month old! I don't have to worry too much about having another baby so soon because I know how easy going you are. (let's hope it stays that way!) It has been so different having a girl. You tease a lot. Jonah was never that way. I guess I expected you to be just like your big brother and want to rough house all day.  But you are so girly and cuddly, I love it. You want to walk around in my shoes, play with your pretend jewelry box and brush your crazy hair all day! You definitely have a major goofy side to you! The way you will eat anything we put in front of you amazes me. Where are you storing it all? Aunt kelley says she is sending you a box of food for your birthday.
                     I melt every time I see you run to the door to greet your daddy. You have such a special connection with him. Jonah and you are becoming best friends and I love that you two play together and make each other laugh all day. Jonah loves you so much and really watches out for you.

What a lucky girl you are! You are loved by so many and will have three men protecting you the rest of your life!
                                                                  I love you Emma! -Mommy

Saturday, April 9, 2011

march fun

I know this is way overdue. I really am going to try and be better, for my own sake. These are all a mix of pictures from the zoo and the park back in early March. We went to the zoo with Jonah's preschool and had a blast! It was so fun that Zach had the day off and was able to join us! We try and do a lot on his days off and make the most of the time daddy's home!
Most of these pictures are of Miss Emma, since Jonah was constantly chasing his friends around the zoo! She is changing so much. Even these pictures are too old because she already is looking so much bigger and her hair is finally starting to grow!
 We took the train that rode around the zoo and got to get close and personal with all the wildlife.
                                                     Excuse the graham cracker mouth.
                                             We ate at the zoo's park and let the kids run free!

She absolutely LOVES the slide. We can't keep her off of it But the scary thing is that Emma will literally walk onto it and probably break her back going down if we let her.
Probably the coolest (well I thought so anyway) was feeding the giraffes. I never knew that giraffes have the craziest tongues! Check this out! 
And that's nothing.. his tongue came out twice that far to snatch up food! EEW, but very cool.

And here are just a few random from the park by our house last month.

We are so obsessed with these two and can't believe another little boy is coming so soon! I'm 30 weeks now. Time is flying by and life is always changing. I love our little family and couldn't be more blessed.