Can this crazy muddy boy of mine really be 20 months old!!!!?
4 more months till he's a TWO year old!!!!!?
Gosh. Time sure flies when your locking doors, making baby gates unbreakable, making tables un-climbable, washing pizza, lotion, oatmeal, and ketchup out of his hair, changing diapers while I pin him down with my legs and lots and lots of kisses and snuggles.
It's crazy how much he looks like his daddy. We were watching home videos of Zach when he was two the other day and Micah looks and acts just like him!
He is definitely still my baby. Even if he's almost two. I think it's safe to call them a baby until their potty trained, and well. that should be a while I think.
He truly is the happiest and most expressive little boy, who keeps us laughing all day.
Lately Micah really likes playing with the geo trax. It's funny to see him go through the same toy phases Jonah has gone through. We get to live it all over again! He tries SO HARD to talk to us. I'm shocjed at how much he can already say, just because Jonah and Emma both could not talk till they were like 2 1/2. Micah says Cracker, car, train, bike, bottle, blues clues, night night, mormor, dada, papa, bath, poo poo, again, hi, bye, cookie, milk, table, shoes, dog, kitty cat, uh oh, more, done, apple, banana, yee haw! and probably more I'm forgetting.

He loves: to dance, run, tries to jump, climb on everything, bath time, the park, riding tricycles at Mormor and Papas house, eating a cookie from the bakery, building train tracks, watching blues clues and mickey mouse clubhouse and wearing everyone's shoes. He does not like: nursery, the car for the most part, sitting in a shopping cart, eating without a spoon or fork, drinking out of a sippy cup (which he is going to have to do very soon here) and sleeping in past six. So there it is! Micah at 20 months.
We love you Micah man!