As I get closer to my due date, and our little boy gets bigger,
(and kicks harder), I find myself pondering about what our son will look like. I don't have very high expectations just because everyone says babies are odd looking when they are first born. (I've also watched 'A baby Story' on TLC) Especially since from what I've heard, I had a smashed in nose and my husband looked like a little Asian baby. I remember my mom telling me that she was afraid she would have ugly children., but after getting my ultrasound, I don't think I would ever see my baby as ugly, even if he was a little odd looking. It's a beautiful thing in itself just to give birth to a child. If Zachary and I did look scary when we were first born, I think we both developed into normal looking children.

I really wanted to photo shop our faces together ( like in How to loose a guy in 10 days) but that's too complicated for me. Anyway, I'm very anxious to have our little boy! I look forward to holding him in my arms for the first time, with his little Asian eyes, and dented nose.
Caitlin - That baby on the top of the page is FREAKING SCARY!!!! That is like an alien and will now give me nightmares. Seriously, when I wake up in the middle of the night with Luke, I am going to have to turn on the hall light because I am so scared of that baby face.
On another note, I think you and Luke look very similar.
Also... whats wrong with an Asian baby??!!! You must not have any Asian friends because if they read this they would be totally offended!
Caitlin, I will DIE if your baby looks like that creature in your pic on top. huh? luke looks like me.. but cristin i thought luke was an alien baby (why prob wont read this, so its okay to say it now)
Uh, Kaci, I totally read that and its not okay to say that. You made Luke really upset. Luke only looked like an alien baby in the 3d ultrasound.
Ha ha ha. I think my little nephew is going to be the most handsome baby boy anyone has ever seen. Even if he does have a squished nose and tiny eyes.
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