Tuesday, August 14, 2007

baby face

A couple weeks ago I had an unsuccessful 3-D ultra sound. Sadly, the umbilical cord was covering his face. The tech tried and tried to get the baby to move his head by having me dance, wiggle, and poke. Unfortunately, he would not move! So we went back today to give it another shot. Good news! The umbilical cord moved,.. bad news, our baby is emotionally attached to his right hand. It was a little clearer this time. I guess we will just have to be patient and actually wait to see what he looks like when he comes out. Technology is amazing though, soon, there will be a little camera in planted in your uterus and you can watch your baby 24/7 like a reality show.

Here is one of the face shots we got. in case you can't tell what anything is ( I know it is very hard for some people) I have descriptions of each feature.

(click on image to make larger)

his profile


Cristin said...

That is actually a really good picture of his face! I can't decide who he looks like more, you or Zach. Isn't it funny how pudgy he looks in there now?

Charles said...

Wow Caitlin, I can see his face now. He's good looking.

Charles said...

(caitlin's mom) Call me old-fashioned, but I just can't get too excited looking at these interior images:) However, I'm glad you're happier with the results this time around.

Anonymous said...

Caitlin, I dont know why my comment didn't show up... but I said he was really cute and I think he has your nose and zach's hairline

Kaci said...

caitlin, he looks like he has a big nose.. but not to scare you or anything, Im sure its fine

Unknown said...

the baby is so cute. we will see him soon!!