I forget how simple a new
born's life is. Eat, poop, sleep. repeat. Today after feeding Jonah for which seemed like the longest nursing session yet!.. (I don't think he understands when to stop) I put the little guy in his swing and watched as he sat with the most dull look on his face. I started feeling so guilty like, Oh no! My son is bored with his life! I must do something to entertain him! So I quickly walked (I don't think I'll be running for a while after that
opisiotomy) in his room and grabbed a couple of soft toys. I attempted to amuse him by rattling and shaking toys
in front of his face. There was no change whatsoever in his expression. I then realized it's going to be another couple months before he will acknowledge all of the awesome toys he has! Until then, we will just have fun by nursing, which is by far his favorite activity!
I love how he sleeps with his little hands over his ears.
that is a really cute picture. its almost like he is saying, "quit that racket! I'm trying to sleep!"
thats soooo cute! i love it when babies stretch their arms and legs. that is soo adorable
he looks like he's going to have a lot of hair, and be somewhat "dark"
aw. . . tender. Jonah is by far the cutest baby I have ever seen. He's such a comfy little sleeper!
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