Jonah is approaching 2 months this Saturday, and looking back on his pictures from the hospital, I can't believe he's doubled his weight! He was so tiny that the pants he came home in could go over his whole body! Now...what a chunker. Today I sorted through all his newborn clothes and most of them don't fit anymore!He's changing so dramatically! Everyday it seems like he adds a new trick! Yesterday he realized he could hit the rattle hanging from his toy and he just laughs and laughs! Jonah LOVES to talk! Of course all his vocabulary only consists of goooh, ahhhh, and of course ah weeh! I love watching him grow and change everyday!

He has no neck!
Jonah talks to me all the time.
He's a beautiful baby. If the people in Hollywood see his picture, a bunch of agents are going to start calling you. Be careful!
what do you mean, "he has no neck"? cristin, stop being critical and rude! don't worry, your blog is still number 1
I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude! What I meant was he's starting to look like a buff football player with no neck (you know how Mr. Incredible looks).
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