This weekend was blast! Here are the highlights of our days:

Jonah got really confident in holding himself up! He can usually only hold himself up for a few seconds, then sink down into my lap. As of yesterday, he not only pushes himself up, but than laughs as he bounces up and down on my lap! I'm so proud of him!

This picture says it all, I killed Zach at scrabble. Never challenge me! I might not know what a word means, but I know it's a word!

As Zach was burping Jonah, Jonah spit up all over Zach's foot. Gross.

I couldn't get Jonah to go to sleep, and then out of no where he fell asleep in the oddest position on me. I wouldn't want to sleep like a bunny rabbit with my face jammed up against something.

All weekend, Jonah had a blast in his crib. Since i don't have a mobile for him, I kind of created one. He loves it though.
Wow. I was really hoping you would post a picture of Zach's foot with puke all over it. Thanks for making my dreams come true.
If Zach thinks you are good at scrabble you need to have me over to play.
CRISTIN it is STILL a lot better than a picture of Luke naked. anyway yeah that was kind of gross. it looks like Jonah is getting chunkier every day
Jase was a "spitter upper" and anyone who would hold him for a few minutes would always be covered in spit up. I also thought it was funny what your sister cristin said. ;)
Caitlin, thanks for the good pictures of Jonah. He looks like a real happy baby.
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