So I bet you are all wondering why Jonah is sitting in his high chair naked with spit up all over him right? (FYI.. That's not teeth in Jonah's mouth, just a glare..and don't you like my classy way of blurring out his privates?) SO... I changed Jonah's diaper when I got home from running errands and he had just a little bit of "messy" in his diaper. After I changed him I sat him up next to me on the couch while I checked my e-mail. Immediately Jonah started to kick and whine, and I wasn't sure what was wrong because I just changed his diaper and he seemed fine! ..Until I smelled what was bothering him. I now know that Jonah was trying to warn me for what was about to come.. and I was NOT prepared!
I suddenly had a horrible thought come to me and I instantly picked Jonah up to confirm the worst had happened!.. He blew out his diaper, and it was so bad that it was seeping through his shirt. I jumped up and put him on his belly on the floor. I run and grab a mat to put under him, and then start to take off his shirt while still on his belly. I won't go into too much description of what it was like but as I start to wipe his back off , I realize there is nowhere to put down the very full wipes! So I run as fast as I can into the kitchen and grab a bag, but I'm too late! Jonah started to roll over and the mess has spread to his hands, the mat, and as he grabs my arm.. me! Oh boy!
SO Now I'm panicked.. It's the carpet next, and I want to avoid that at all costs. So I grab Jonah holding him as far away from me as I can, and I do the only thing that comes to mind. The bathtub. I'm sure everyone would laugh if they saw how I had to get te shower curtain open... while holding Jonah with my arms extended. After I get Jonah in the tub (b.t.w. Jonah is LOVING this whole extravaganza) I take off the diaper and start attempting to clean him off as best I can without getting it everywhere! No such luck though because Jonah was way too excited about being in the bathtub to hold still even a little. So after another big mess that I won't go into, but lets just say I could not get the poopy water out of the tub without having to set Jonah down,... but he is still messy, SO I do the only thing I can think of,... the kitchen sink!
As I take Jonah into the kitchen I realize there are dishes in the sink! Great! Now what!? I put Jonah in his high chair and clean out the sink as fast as I can before Jonah pees or something. (Luckily the camera was right there so I was able to take pictures of the whole thing!) I turn away for a second, and when I look back at Jonah,.. he had projectile spit up everywhere! This just keeps getting better!
Jonah loved the kitchen sink.. and to show me how much he loved it and loved me, he peed all over me while I was taking his picture.