Today Jonah is offically Five months old! Horray! Here are a few things I look forward to in his 6 month of life!

Jonah grabs hair like he's grabbing his seat belt on a roller coaster! I look forward to him breaking this habit within his 6th month.

Jonah will learn to smile on cue for a picture!....we hope.

Mommy and Daddy will be better about keeping up with the laundry!

and I especially look forward for Daddy to not hang Jonah up side down!
Jonah is such a fun little guy! Happy 5 months Buddy! I can't wait for next month!
Don't click on that first person's comments. Something weird.
Those pictures are really cute. My favorite is the laundry one! I am so glad we were able to see you guys at Kaci's wedding.
Your laundry situation is insane! Can you imagine what it would be like if you didn't have a washer and dryer? YIKES! Happy B DAY Jonah!
(caitlin's mom) Okay, Caitlin, I just read your last 6 posts. They were really interesting topics! I decided that I would only comment on this topic, because I would probably get myself in trouble otherwise...I have just one question: Are those clothes on the floor that Jonah is playing in, dirty, or clean? Maybe I don't want an answer.
They are Clean MOM! I would never stick Jonah is dirty laundry.. Sick!
This is Kelley's friend, Vanessa. Your baby is the cutest thing ever. If you were wondering if your were just bias and thought, "do we just think that he is the cutest because we are his parents?" ...NOPE! He is truely adorable! I can't get enough of goodness. I might kidnap him and then I'll have two Jonahs! I'm going to put you on my new blog, if that's okay.
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