I am probably one of the pickiest eaters you'll ever meet. .mainly with old food. My mom always gets annoyed with me because if the food is either expired or soon to be I am very hesitant to eat it. She on the other hand will cut the mold off cheese or bread and eat it as long as there is any good left in it.SICK! My husband used to think I was the weirdest person because I would dig though the shelves at the grocery store to find the food with the latest expiration date. Soon he picked up on it and I know he does it even when I'm not around! (I've taught him well)
So since we've moved to Oakland for some reason I haven't been looking at the expiration dates like normal. Don't ask why, I just haven't. Last night I was making tacos for dinner, I was all prepared when Zach got home, I had the meat cooked, the cheese grated, the avocado sliced, and the lettuce cut. The only thing I waited to make was the taco shells. When I pulled out the corn tortillas I had bought just 3 days earlier, and opened the package up, they were completely moldy! I looked at the expiration date and they had expired the day before. No big deal though, because luckily, I had bought some flour tortillas that same day... those were moldy too! They expired two days earlier!!! No biggie, I had another package I had bought about a week or so ago.. Those were old too! Oh wait! I had ANOTHER package in the fridge.... MOLDY! Zach looked at me after I took out the 4 packages of tortillas and said, "Will you only buy one bag at a time from now on?" We ate taco salad for dinner.
Lesson to learn: always, Always, ALWAYS! Check the food's expiration date!... and Don't buy four bags of tortillas within a week!
That is so funny... I am the same way with expirations. Maybe not so obsessive, but I am especially like that with my milk or any dairy products.
lol, Caitlin your mom and my dad are exactly the same, according to him it is physically impossible for mold to kill you... doesn't make it any less nasty though! Im with you, I believe the stores fudge on the expiration dates anyway, why not look for the newest ones? :)
I used to be the same way, but now I find myself eating old tortillas (just check them for mold first) and week old eggs. I am still paranoid about milk, but as Erik often reminds me, "It's not like it goes bad at midnight on the expiration date."
I can't stand mold. I don't know why it just gives me the heebeejeebees. If there is a slice in a whole loaf of bread that has a little mold on it, i can't make myself eat it. It makes my stomach hurt, it's entirely a mental thing but still! ha ha. Kyle on the other hand- would just cut the mold off and "its still good!"
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