A new study shows that the man's gene is the key to your baby's gender. If your husband has a lot of sisters, you will most likely have girls! Well Fantastic! Since Zach's mom had four boys and only one girl, I guess I shouldn't expect any daughters! Too bad my gene doesn't determine our baby because we would have a lot of girls. I guess I will stop dreaming of some day having a daughter I could dress, wax her eyebrows, and sew with. Boys are supposed to be easier anyway, right?

At least Jonah will have brothers to wrestle with!
yes I can totally relate! Rob has 5 bro. and 1 sis. and my fam. has the exact opposite! I have SO many nephews and 2 nieces! OH, well I still won't give up my hopes of at least ONE girl! Missed you guys on the cruise!
I'll be right there with you! Jay has 6 boys and one girl in his family, and his sister was the last child they had... good luck to me for getting a little girl!
Ditto, Cody's family is full of boys! But I'm okay with that because little boys are the BEST! easier and so much fun :) I wonder how accurate this study is? I guess we'll find out!
ooh I like his clothes and his boots!
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