I'm about to vent.
Are we really awake? We've been up for almost four days straight with maybe an hour of sleep here and there. Jonah's respiratory problems returned Thursday night.
For a little history, Jonah started having a bad cough and a hard time breathing back in October. We've been to the emergency room twice and seen our doctor since then. Every time he gets bad they send us home with an antibiotic for croup, albuterol, and a steroid to open his airway. It's gotten much better, but unfortunately came back.
So after two treatments with the nebulizer on Friday, he wasn't improving at all. Our doctor wasn't in, the instacare wouldn't treat him, so once again back to the E.R.
This time I wasn't going to leave with, "He just has a bug." as an explination. It breaks my heart to see my little boy having such a hard time. Listening to him breathe reminds me of having an asthma attack.
We spent all day friday at the hospital so they could monitor him. They finally sent us home around nine with an apppointment for our pediatrician the following morning. (and orders to admit him if he got really bad again) Their diagnosis this time: Go see a specialist at Primary Children's hospital. (hey! at least they finally admitted they don't know!)
Friday night was long.. and poor Jonah can hardly sleep with his nasty cough.
We saw our doctor yesterday and she finally came out and said it's probably asthma. I'm not going to settle on that until we see a specialist but I've been telling my husband this whole time I think it's asthma. I won't say I told you so.. but it definitely runs in our family.
So our next step is to see a pulmonologist. Until then, a steroid through the nebulizer morning and night, albuterol treatment as needed (around 4 times a day) amoxillin, humidifier, Lots of liquids, and long sleepless nights.
What makes this so exhausting is the fact that Jonah HATES the nebulizar! I don't know how it's supposed to help when he is screaming through the whole treatment. I tear up every time I have to hold his arms down and watch him scream for dear life.
On top of everything, Zach and I are both sick. Right now my two boys are passed out on the couch together while I sit here sucking on a cough drop.
I've never been so grateful for health insurance and I'm so grateful that Zach is able to be home right now. Don't worry Jonah! We'll take care of you!
Fweew! Thanks, I got that all off my chest.
Are we really awake? We've been up for almost four days straight with maybe an hour of sleep here and there. Jonah's respiratory problems returned Thursday night.
For a little history, Jonah started having a bad cough and a hard time breathing back in October. We've been to the emergency room twice and seen our doctor since then. Every time he gets bad they send us home with an antibiotic for croup, albuterol, and a steroid to open his airway. It's gotten much better, but unfortunately came back.
So after two treatments with the nebulizer on Friday, he wasn't improving at all. Our doctor wasn't in, the instacare wouldn't treat him, so once again back to the E.R.
This time I wasn't going to leave with, "He just has a bug." as an explination. It breaks my heart to see my little boy having such a hard time. Listening to him breathe reminds me of having an asthma attack.
We spent all day friday at the hospital so they could monitor him. They finally sent us home around nine with an apppointment for our pediatrician the following morning. (and orders to admit him if he got really bad again) Their diagnosis this time: Go see a specialist at Primary Children's hospital. (hey! at least they finally admitted they don't know!)
Friday night was long.. and poor Jonah can hardly sleep with his nasty cough.
We saw our doctor yesterday and she finally came out and said it's probably asthma. I'm not going to settle on that until we see a specialist but I've been telling my husband this whole time I think it's asthma. I won't say I told you so.. but it definitely runs in our family.
So our next step is to see a pulmonologist. Until then, a steroid through the nebulizer morning and night, albuterol treatment as needed (around 4 times a day) amoxillin, humidifier, Lots of liquids, and long sleepless nights.
What makes this so exhausting is the fact that Jonah HATES the nebulizar! I don't know how it's supposed to help when he is screaming through the whole treatment. I tear up every time I have to hold his arms down and watch him scream for dear life.
On top of everything, Zach and I are both sick. Right now my two boys are passed out on the couch together while I sit here sucking on a cough drop.

Fweew! Thanks, I got that all off my chest.
Sometimes I hate doctors. You just want to scream and yell at them that you know soemethings wrong. Davis had diarhea for a month straight when he was 5 months old and the doctors keps telling me that he was fine but I knew something wasn't right. I demanded more tests and they finally found that he had salmonilla poisoning. They wouldn't hahve found it if I didn't insist that something more was wrong. You have to trust your instincts and make the doctors help get your kid better.
oh man Caitlin, that's miserable! Poor little Jonah! It really is heartbreaking when your kid is miserable and there isn't much you can do about it- and 3 months is a long time to deal with that! Please feel free to call at 4am to vent if you need to, I'm always up for a chat :) And keep us posted on how he's doing, I'll be thinkin about ya!
I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this right now, especially when you and your husband are sick. It is the worst when your baby is sick and you just feel so helpless! I hope that things start getting better soon!
I hope you get some sleep soon! It's the very best remedy. And, asthma is THE WORST when you're young. Poor little Jonah!
How tired you must feel! My kids were up sick last night. I think zone therapy really helps for us. I'm sure you will find the right path to help him heal. Don't forget the power of prayer and the priesthood. Loves and Hugs to all of you!
You poor thing! Im sorry :( Steven had terrible asthma as a kid , I remember ( not so fondly) those long sleepless, helpless nights. UGH... I used to cry more than he did. Stick to your guns with those Dr.s you know your son. Nobody will stand up for him like you can. Hang in there!
Caitlin!When you going to put a new post.. and with pictures!
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