Friday, February 6, 2009

Jonah's Big Day

We loved Primary Childrens! They were awesome, and Jonah certainly didn't mind waiting two hours for his procedure. ( Keep in mind he had been fasting for over 15 hours).
There were so many toys to play with, Jonah couldn't control his excitement! But, being the responsible child, he vacuumed the waiting room of course.
He learned to drive too.
It was really hard to let them take my baby away, Luckily Oprah was on to keep my mind occupied. Jonah was fine, and I don't think he really knows it even happened.
We're happy it's over with, and I'm so grateful for my mother in law for coming up to help. Jonah probably will have to have surgery sometime in the future, and I feel a little more prepared after this experience.


Anonymous said...

those pictures are soo cute! I love him in his hospital clothes!!! so happy it went smoothly

amber {and co.} said...

awww his little hospital clothes are so cute! What a little trooper! I'm so glad it went well, it was probably much more traumatic for you then Jonah :)

Me and The Boys said...

I'm glad everything went well... I'm sooo sorry things have been so tough for you guys lately with little Jonah! Let me know if there is anything we can do to help!!

Cristin said...

Those hospital clothes are cute, does he get to keep those? I'm glad he handled everything okay.

KC said...

I still don't get what happened. But he is cute, and looks like you, Caitlin

Jay & Tammi Roberts said...

I'm so glad that things went well, Primary Childrens are great aren't they? Dylan has to go in for another surgery soon, but even though weve been through it once, I still think I'll be pretty nervous for the next.

MommyBrec said...

HEY! It was SO GOOD seeing you guys tonight! I am glad I know your blog address now...FUN! :)

Lisa Hobbs said...

So, was he in the hospital for his asthma breathing thing? I am so out of the loop. He IS so cute in his hospital clothes. And way to go Jonah on the fasting...I have a hard time going that long without eating! When Zach had tubes put in his ears (such a minor procedure) I cried the whole time he was in surgery ( a total of 15 min). It is hard to see your little one go under and have someone else take care of your baby. Way to go Caitlin for hanging in there! Hugs to you and Jonah...and Zach I guess!