Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Bad Day

I hear nightmares of toddlers throwing huge fits, the mom crying from exhaustion and frustration, the child screaming and screaming and screaming......and screaming. I hear those stories and I think, wow. I am so lucky.

What happened to all my luck?
Jonah was that child today. I was that mom ripping my hair out.

This is how I feel today.


Cristin said...

Welcome to my world...

No, really, it's only that bad when we're traveling, not following a schedule, or trying to do too much in one day.

amber {and co.} said...

oh man, I can only imagine how awful temper tantrums are!! Definitely NOT looking forward to that in a few years- good luck, hopefully it won't last long, and luckily for Jonah he is a pretty cute little boy :)

Lisa Hobbs said...

Yes, we all have those days! Hang in there...terrible twos are on their way!