Sunday, March 1, 2009

thrift store makeovers!

One sad looking chest $2
Wala! Now we have a toy chest & an ottoman for the total cost of $10!
I decided to keep it antique looking and not paint it. I might change my mind later but this way Jonah can ram his toys into it without scratching paint off.

Next up, is one I'm very excited about...I better be. It took forever to get those stinkin upholstery tacks out! Not to mention I stayed up ALL night to finish it and about killed my 90 year old back.

Chair $20
Total cost: $50 .. and worth every penny for a custom chair I can now look at without vomiting!


Anonymous said...

I love your chair!!! It looks so good

amber {and co.} said...

Whoa Caitlin, I'm so impressed! Both of those turned out amazing! You could start re-upholstering furniture for other people as a business!

Kyle and Alli said...

You are -seriously- my hero!

Vanessa said...

Wow, I love the chair! Very nice!

Leanne said...

Wow, that chair looks amazing! you have inspired me :) Did you have to take off each piece and staple gun the fabric on? I have always wanted to learn how to reupholster furniture. I am so impressed!

Brittanie said...

AWESOME JOB! Where'd you learn to re-upholster?

Small Stones said...

We are all way impressed! The chair and chest look SOOOO GOOD! I can't believe it! You are so talented!! :D

KC said...

can you do that to my couch so I can take off my super ugly granny yslip cover

Lisa Hobbs said...

The chair is sooo stinkin' cute! I love the colors! Way to go Caitlin...see you soon!