So many of you know about Jonah's history of being sick. It all started when I was in labor. After my water broke when I was dilated to an 8 or 9 , Jonah's oxygen dropped tremendously and kept dropping, ending with me in the operating room. Luckily, right before they cut me open his oxygen levels started rising again, and the doctor gave me the okay to push. He spent only a couple hours in the NICU and was a perfect healthy baby after that.
Little did I know that was only the beginning of Jonah having trouble breathing. When he was four months old the doctor thought he had bronchitis and ordered an albuterol breathing treatment every four hours a day. That ended up being RSV, and I have never seen my baby so sick. I remember going into the hospital to have his nose suctioned twice a day, and the nurse mentioning how narrow his nostrils were. I didn't think much of it at the time.
Then, there was sleeping. Jonah never took long naps and until he was ten months old, slept with me and woke up screaming every hour or so. I thought he was just attached to nursing, so I quit that and it seemed to help a little.
At twelve months he got the croup and woke up with retractions . We had to take him to the emergency room which resulted in this incident. More albuterol treatments,more emergency room visits, more doctors writing it off as asthma until finally we went to an awesome specialist who really understood what the issue was. FINALLY!
After Jonah's broncoscopy and sleep study our doctor came to the conclusion that Jonah has very large adenoids and tonsils. He also has acid reflux which has really irritated his throat.
Every time Jonah falls into REM sleep he has an airway obstruction and had 18 of those during his sleep study! When we fall into REM sleep, we lose all muscle control. So Jonah's small airway and adenoids basically just cave in, causing him to feel as if he is suffocating.
I feel so awful that I had no idea this is what has been going on this whole time! He is having surgery in a few weeks to remove his adenoids and his tonsils. The recovery will be a hard two weeks probably, but we are hoping our little boy will finally be able to breathe and sleep on his own. Wish us Luck!
Ohmygoodness that is SO sad! Poor little boy! I'm so glad they finally figured out what it is, I'm sure both you and he will be much happier when it's fixed! Let me know if you need any help before or after the surgery, I'll be thinking about you!
I like how you explained it like that. It sounds horrible. Poor poor Jonah. I hope everything goes well with his surgery. Aren't you glad you didn't let him cry it out at night? He would have been crying for hours because he felt like he was suffocating! Oh, that is awful.
Caitlin, that breaks my heart. I can only imagine what you and Zack must feel watching him go through all that he has. I love your cute little boy and hope everything will keep getting better! Good for you for continuing to find out what the problem is! It makes me so mad that so many Dr.s don't know what they are talking about and it takes going to so many to finally get one that can really help! Hang in there. Hugs.
I'm so glad you have finally discovered what's been going on. Good luck with everything!
OH I am so glad they finally found that. We'll pray it goes well!
Poor baby, I am so glad that he going to get eveything taken care of! Good luck!
Thank you for your sweet comment to us! I think it is going to work out okay, my friend really understands.
What a rough go your poor little boy has had! At least he'll finally have some nice sleep and you've solved the mystery of what's been bothering him. He has such great parents watching out for him. We'll be praying for you, let us know if we can help in any way, a meal or anything.
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