Sunday, May 31, 2009

Choo! Choo!

Lately Jonah has become train obsessed! Every morning, as soon as he wakes up, he runs and grabs one of his trains. 
The funniest thing is when he watches either Thomas the Train or Geo Tracks while he plays. He gets really into each train, and tries to mimic everything he sees. He goes "woooh! wooh!" and "grrrrrr....errrrr" as he moves his train on everything but the train track. The other day he was using my legs as tracks and then proceeded up my face and head. 
I personally think that Thomas the Train is the dumbest show ever, but he loves it. 
It's really cute to watch him play. It makes me realize my baby is growing into such a little boy. It's also nice because Jonah is starting to enjoy playing with his toys rather than  constantly wanting to be held or throwing fits. I love that he can keep himself entertained with his trains! 

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today was the start of my new life... 
  I discovered Macey's car shopping carts.
(they look like this, except mine was really old. . but who cares)
Where have you been all my life?

Now I normally do most of my shopping at Wal-mart.. just because you can't beat the prices, and I will most likely still buy my milk there, it's only $1.49 a gallon! But.. I decided to just go to Macey's today because I knew if I got that desperate, they have soft serve ice cream I could bribe Jonah with. 
Lately it is a nightmare taking Jonah to the store with me. I usually put off going to the grocery store until either Zach goes with me or watches Jonah. It's just such a disaster with him. Every time I do, he wants every item I put in the cart, (like the milk and yogurt and cheese, ya know..stuff he can't have in the shopping cart) he doesn't want to sit in the cart, and I end up opening and buying cookies and fruit snacks that I normally would not buy just to keep him in his seat. 
Then, when I get the register, Jonah tries to climb onto the counter and slide my card and sign his name.  I just try not to do it, unless I absolutely have to. 
Well I realized this morning, I was going to have to do the unthinkable. That's why I went to Macey's. I had every escape planned out and made sure my bag was loaded with milk and goodies. I must normally go there when it's super crowded because I have never seen the car shopping carts there before. Jonah was in car heaven!! I stopped at the bakery, got him a cookie and he just sat there as happy as can be eating a cookie and making car noises. It was so AWESOME! It was the first time in a long time that I wasn't panicked while shopping with him. Thank you to whoever came up with those special carts. Genius. 
It's worth the extra money to have an experience like that. 

---and one more thing----

I love being able to choose paper or plastic, and being asked if I need any help, because one day.. I probably will. 
You just don't get service like that at a Wal-mart. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Jonah is surprising me every day with things he does. Since this is my only form of a journal ( I know it's sad but true, I'm working on that) I'm making a list of some funny things he's been doing so I won't forget.

1. He finally can say Mama and Dada now! Except for the fact that sometimes he gets really excited about it and ends up saying "Mamamamama" and "Dadadada" but  never the less, it is our name!

2. He copies everything he sees. Some really cute ones lately are:
* He must watch Zach pull down the mirror in the car and fix his hair, because any chance he gets to play in the front of the car, he flips down the mirror and fixes his hair. It's so funny!
* The other day he got my mascara, opened it, and got it all over his eyes! 
* He waters the trees for me.. just like me.
* He does push ups with daddy
* If we put him on the toilet, he wipes himself, and flushes the toilet.  Oh and if I'm on the toilet, he tries to wipe me., and if he doesn't want me to be on it, he flushes it on me and tries to pull me off.
*. He knows how to turn on our electric piano, turn up the volume, and he even tries to move his fingers just like me. 
* He mimics  Zach's laugh by throwing his head back and and opening his mouth, it's really cute.
* He copies everything he watches. Like he can copy every dance move that Elmo does or from Blue's Clues. 
* He tickles our backs
* Jonah loves to vacuum 
3. One of the funniest things he started doing is singing along to songs. It really is SO funny! He can't sing the words but he goes OOH AND AAH along with it. If it's on tv, Jonah watches the singers face really closely and moves his mouth just like them. 
4. Jonah loves being outside and going down the slide, and especially playing in water. 
5. He pretends to blow his nose a lot. 
6. Zach just bought a scooter, and when I tell Jonah we are going somewhere he puts a helmet on and walks to the from door. He will also do this with Zach's hats. 
7. He throws 30 minute or longer temper tantrums when he wakes up from naps. It's really awful and tiring. 
8.  He will climb on anything anywhere. 
9. Jonah is impossible to take anywhere unless I can bribe him with toys and treats, but even that doesn't work sometimes. He hates the shopping cart. 
10. He has an obsession with Balls. The other day I was in a store that was having a sale going on. They had balloons on top of the isles and Jonah threw a fit because he wanted the "balls". If he sees them anywhere he freaks out. 
11. He loves tooth paste. If we're not careful, he will snatch it and suck on the tube. 
12. He's finally not clapping every time he says yes or "yah!" It's sad but the only way we could get him to say yes, was to teach him by clapping every time he said it. Weird I know, but it worked. He still claps but I think he's starting to catch on that he doesn't have to put everything down he's holding in order to say yes and clap. Funny guy. 

Well that was a long list. I'm sure there is a ton more but that is all I can think of right now. I love this boy to death. He seriously is the sweetest little guy and just loves cuddling with mommy and daddy. 

One more..

I just realized I never really finished putting up pics from our last trip. After we saw Lollie we visited with our Granddad. We went to the park and out to eat. I'm really happy we were able to visit since we don't see him very often. 

Friday, May 22, 2009

To grandmother's house we go!

After Disney Land we visited Lolllie (aka Alcoholly). For those of you who read my sister Cristin's blog, you know all about our Grandma.  It was good to see her. The last time I was there was with my sister in law (then friend) during our senior year spring break. Lollie gave us toast with pam to spray on it for breakfast, and she also labeled our towels, old shower caps, and toilet paper with stick on labels with pins going through know..just in case.  Zach has never met her, and I don't think he knew what he was getting himself into.
 Anyway,  So we took her out to breakfast. She insisted on walking to Ihop in her heels, short dress, sunglasses and parasol. Luckily she didn't fall! After breakfast we went back to her condo for a little visit. I think Jonah and Charlie sat on the porch to avoid the whole thing.
Lollie had presents for all her grandsons. She gave Luke and Charlie some really cute swim trunks from Target. But she saved the best present for Jonah...
She was really sorry she could only find one of these suits. Jonah was too.
I love Jonah's face. He just knows this is embarrassing. 
We told Lollie it was just Perfect for Church...and halloween.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Part 2: Disney Land

We went to California Adventure and got worn out quickly! Taking three kids under three to an amusement park all day is work! Plus it didn't help that I was wearing my most uncomfortable flip flops. But besides all that, it was a ton of fun! Jonah had a blast with his cousins and I think he was really overwhelmed with all the excitement.
Jonah's favorite part of the day was meeting his idol Handy Manny. When it was his turn to meet him, Jonah ran right up and grabbed Manny. 
We took turns watching the kids so we could go on rides. Being alone with Jonah and Charlie made me a little nervous about having two kids. At least I know Jonah will be a good big brother. He loved Charlie so much!
We went to the Playhouse disney show. It was like a rock concert for toddlers!
Our disney adventure ended around five o clock. We went back to the hotel and crashed. 

Jonah's new toy

Erik, my brother in law, made a water/sand tub and stand for his kids, and jonah loved it! So as soon as we got back Zach got to work on Jonah's very own. It took him forever because he used a hand saw rather than an electric one. Well done babe! It looks great and Jonah loves it! Next step, paint! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We took a trip last week to Cristin's. It was so much fun to visit and for Jonah to get to ply with his cousins! Since I have an overload of pictures, I'm splitting the trip up into parts. This first part is called Tehachapi.  It was really hot outside, and the kids enjoyed running around in their swim shorts and playing in the water. Jonah and Charlie got along really well.

I made all the boys capes. Jonah was the only one who would keep it on. He really believed he was a super hero! 
Here he is attempting to fly.
                                  Cristin had the neatest toys. Luke went crazy with the water! 
                                                 Zach just enjoyed not having to work.
                                               It was really relaxing. Stay tuned for part two. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

and another one..

This is for Kelley.. Jonah and I miss you so much! This makes me think of all our memories last summer together. Jonah sure misses his Aunt!


I found this video hidden in my desktop. I think Jonah was around six months. It was when we were in California last summer and I can't believe how CHUNKY he is!!! He loves books, and this is so funny to watch how intrigued he is with the pictures.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

BSB forever

Jonah and I were just watching Elmo videos on You Tube when I came across this one:

This is for my sisters.. especially you Kaci.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

bun in the oven

Yes, it's true! I am pregnant. Zach and I are both very excited to welcome another little bundle of joy into our family! 
I always see other girls post pictures of their ultra sounds at like ten weeks, and it makes me sad because my doctor only does 20 week ultra sounds! So, my sister Cristin filled me in on a little secret. Just tell the doctor you don't know how far along you are! 
It was pretty funny when I had my appointment this week, and my midwife kept asking me, "So do you have any idea when your last period was?" 
I wasn't completely lying when I said I wasn't sure..I just exaggerated it a little bit. But sure enough, she wheeled in the ultra sound!!! 
I'm actually happy I did "lie" because I'm further along then I thought I was! I'm about thirteen weeks and I can already feel little butterfly kicks in my tummy.  So thanks, Cristin. You saved me a lot of confusion.
So far, I've been sick and tired but I'm hoping as I enter the second trimester that I will start doing better. 
Jonah loves pointing to the baby and giving my tummy kisses. Lets just hope he's that sweet when it's his actual sibling.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

happy birthday to you!

Zach's sophmore year of highschool. Check out that fro! 

Today is my best friend's birthday! 

My husband is the greatest person I know, and I'm so happy he was born 23 years ago. 

Top 5 Best qualities of Zachary:

1. He has an unconditional love for everyone around him. He's so friendly to everyone I'm often asking how he knows "that person" only to find out he doesn't know them at all. 
2.  Zach is an extremely hard worker, which is good because I know I will never go hungry!
3. He is a great dad! He always makes time for Jonah no matter how busy or tired he is.
4. I can always count on Zach to be there. Even If I just need to vent he is there to listen with all ears..and as long as it takes.
5.  He is always doing something to make me or somebody else laugh.. even if I don't want to!
 I could go on, but I will stop with all the mushy talk.

I love you babe! Thanks for being who you are!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


A couple of flies got into my house about 4 days ago. They have become apart of the family.. or so they think. 
Why are they still buzzing around my home? Because every time I attempt to swat them, the flies seem to dissapear from sight. 
Here's the thing. Whenever I do see these guys, they look bigger than the day before. I'm being serious.  Some how they are surviving off of who knows what!! My skin? Left overs? Jonah's dirty diapers? wall paint? I really don't want to know..but they are growing!! Day by day, hour by hour until one morning, I will walk into my kitchen and see this!
 The Fly (1986) worst movie ever, &
my nightmare