Jonah is surprising me every day with things he does. Since this is my only form of a journal ( I know it's sad but true, I'm working on that) I'm making a list of some funny things he's been doing so I won't forget.
1. He finally can say Mama and Dada now! Except for the fact that sometimes he gets really excited about it and ends up saying "Mamamamama" and "Dadadada" but never the less, it is our name!
2. He copies everything he sees. Some really cute ones lately are:
* He must watch Zach pull down the mirror in the car and fix his hair, because any chance he gets to play in the front of the car, he flips down the mirror and fixes his hair. It's so funny!
* The other day he got my mascara, opened it, and got it all over his eyes!
* He waters the trees for me.. just like me.
* He does push ups with daddy
* If we put him on the toilet, he wipes himself, and flushes the toilet. Oh and if I'm on the toilet, he tries to wipe me., and if he doesn't want me to be on it, he flushes it on me and tries to pull me off.
*. He knows how to turn on our electric piano, turn up the volume, and he even tries to move his fingers just like me.
* He mimics Zach's laugh by throwing his head back and and opening his mouth, it's really cute.
* He copies everything he watches. Like he can copy every dance move that Elmo does or from Blue's Clues.
* He tickles our backs
* Jonah loves to vacuum
3. One of the funniest things he started doing is singing along to songs. It really is SO funny! He can't sing the words but he goes OOH AND AAH along with it. If it's on tv, Jonah watches the singers face really closely and moves his mouth just like them.
4. Jonah loves being outside and going down the slide, and especially playing in water.
5. He pretends to blow his nose a lot.
6. Zach just bought a scooter, and when I tell Jonah we are going somewhere he puts a helmet on and walks to the from door. He will also do this with Zach's hats.

7. He throws 30 minute or longer temper tantrums when he wakes up from naps. It's really awful and tiring.
8. He will climb on anything anywhere.
9. Jonah is impossible to take anywhere unless I can bribe him with toys and treats, but even that doesn't work sometimes. He hates the shopping cart.
10. He has an obsession with Balls. The other day I was in a store that was having a sale going on. They had balloons on top of the isles and Jonah threw a fit because he wanted the "balls". If he sees them anywhere he freaks out.
11. He loves tooth paste. If we're not careful, he will snatch it and suck on the tube.
12. He's finally not clapping every time he says yes or "yah!" It's sad but the only way we could get him to say yes, was to teach him by clapping every time he said it. Weird I know, but it worked. He still claps but I think he's starting to catch on that he doesn't have to put everything down he's holding in order to say yes and clap. Funny guy.
Well that was a long list. I'm sure there is a ton more but that is all I can think of right now. I love this boy to death. He seriously is the sweetest little guy and just loves cuddling with mommy and daddy.