Sunday, May 31, 2009

Choo! Choo!

Lately Jonah has become train obsessed! Every morning, as soon as he wakes up, he runs and grabs one of his trains. 
The funniest thing is when he watches either Thomas the Train or Geo Tracks while he plays. He gets really into each train, and tries to mimic everything he sees. He goes "woooh! wooh!" and "grrrrrr....errrrr" as he moves his train on everything but the train track. The other day he was using my legs as tracks and then proceeded up my face and head. 
I personally think that Thomas the Train is the dumbest show ever, but he loves it. 
It's really cute to watch him play. It makes me realize my baby is growing into such a little boy. It's also nice because Jonah is starting to enjoy playing with his toys rather than  constantly wanting to be held or throwing fits. I love that he can keep himself entertained with his trains! 


Cristin said...

Watch out! Once we discovered that the trains entertained Luke, we started spending lots of money buying him more to play with. It can get expensive.

Vanessa said...

He is so big! And so cute! Congratulations on your pregnancy! Are you hoping for a brother for Jonah?