engaged, summer of 2006
I woke up this morning and realized that this is our last month living in Utah. Zach accepted a job in Idaho, which is a really great thing!, but as this chapter in our life comes to an end, it's a bittersweet feeling.
I will forever remember these years exactly how we are in this picture: really young, a little crazy, and starting a life together.
Even though we both aren't in school anymore, by living in a college town it's hard not to feel like your a student. So it will be weird and nice to have a change in our environment.
I'm really excited to experience a new place, and make new friends. I will miss Utah though,especially everyone in it, and as much as I don't want to live here forever, it's not such a bad place. I just can't believe we are actually leaving.
Another thought: Look what Jonah did the other day!!

That little
punk. It's my glider's foot rest. I really hope I can get it out, or else I will have to reupholster the whole thing. ugh.
Note to self: Search the house daily for all pens, markers, and crayons.
He also colored all over the wall, and found a highlighter and drew all over himself. How is it that I can never find a pen in my house but Jonah seems to use them all?