It's a.......

During the ultrasound I kept seeing something poking out, and my heart would sink a little and I'd think, " (sigh) another boy."
We both kind of had a feeling it would be a girl, but Zach told me afterwards that he kept thinking,"Please be a boy. Please be a boy....oh darn. YAY!"
No, he really is excited. He's just not looking forward to her teenage years and he does not want her to be totally spoiled.
And me on the other hand...SO HAPPY! YAY! Who doesn't want a little girl!? I can FINALLY use pink and make my OWN baby girl cute flowers and Pink blankets!!!! Jonah is going to make such a good big brother. He's really excited. I can tell.
I guess this means we can stop having kids now, since we'll have one of each right?
YAY! I'm sure excited
This is great. There are so many more bizarre girl names than boy names that you can use. :)
Yay!! Girls are so fun. That's so funny that Zach kept saying that because that's exactly what Kyle said! He wasn't nervous to have a baby until he found out it was a girl :)
Oh Caitlin, I am SOOO excited for you!!! She is going to be so cute!
Congrats, we're so excited for you... It's okay if she is a little spoiled, right? ;)
Congratulations! One of each is wonderful. Very cool.
I am so happy for you!
Bring on the pink!
I can't wait to spoil her:)
It's much easier for you to make girl stuff I think. Speaking of which, I have a cute idea for a lamp I have to tell you about. Oh yeah, and you can name her Kaci, I won't be offended. (Although, I don't think that name is girly enough for you.)
Yeah!!! I am so excited for you. Can't wait to see those headbands!
Congrats Caitlin! Girls are so fun. Now for sure you have at least one little girl! Yeah! See you guys soon!
Hi, Caitlin! I remember finding your blog a little while ago and then I come back to it and find out you're having a girl! That's awesome. :) So in a few months you'll have to give me some tips~ boy or girl? haha. Congrats!
-Anelieze {Zurcher} Castrejon
Hooray! Congrats! I'm sure Jonah will love having a little sister.
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