Well, Zach broke Jonah's wrist. yup..Way to go honey. No he didn't really, he just sprained it. That's not too bad.
Okay, so what really happened was we had just gotten to church, and as soon as we sat down Jonah jumped right up and ran out, as usual. Zach chased after him (Jonah started going outside) and about 3 minutes later, Zach started to walk Jonah back inside the chapel, and since Jonah really didn't want to go, he lifted both feet off the ground while Zach was holding onto his hand and his wrist went POP! We thought he had dislocated his shoulder or something, but we soon realized it was his wrist. So off we went to the instant care! So much for that crazy morning of trying to make it to church in time. The poor guy has been pretty bummed, but he still manages to do his regular activities with one arm.
He still pushes his cars all around the house..
He still eats his yogurt with one arm. I put a plastic bag around the splint incase he did attempt to use it.

..and he still pounds on the piano as usual.

He is still one happy kid.
As sad as it is, it's so entertaining to watch him do things. He will struggle for a few minutes while he tries to figure out how to pick up his sippy cup or eat from a bag of crackers. Hopefully it heals quickly.. and doesn't happen again..somehow I just know it will.
OH, the poor babe! And I feel bad for your husband, he must feel so bad. Hope he heals quickly!
such a cute/sad/funny story! PS Jonah looks so big. I can't believe he's getting so old, almost two!!
OH my gosh! I had no idea everything I missed since I was away! ha thats sad and it happened at church!? Was it a big scene or did you do everything descretely?
Poor Jonah. At least it was his left hand, so he'll probably be right handed. Luke hurt his right hand and is now permanently left handed.
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