We were thrilled to have Aunt Katie come up and visit for four days! We miss her already. She was so much help while here, I started thinking how I ever got by with out her. She definitely went above and beyond, and I hope she will visit again when I haven't just birthed a child! I promise I will be much more alive katie ;)
Her last night here, she turned my kitchen into a salon. Her friend Jesse came over for some pampering as well. Poor Zach really wanted Katie to bleach his hair like Justin Timberlake in 1998, but oh darn. we ran out of time.

Every time I had to stop to feed Emma, Katie and Jonah would have a little photo shoot. Jonah is getting really good at following commands.
Yes, Zach definitely had his hands full. . . This picture was taken seconds before Jonah tried to hit Emma. She will definitely be a tough girl. . . and why won't my son wear clothes!?
Anyways, we loved having Katie here. I hadn't seen her since her wedding day! She definitelty pampered me, and brought life back into my hair! If anyone wants a great stylist back in Utah! She is seriously awesome!
Thanks for EVERYTHING Katie! Jonah saw these pictures of you, and started to whimper. We all can't wait to see you again!
Caitlin your family is adorable. go Katie! she did a great job on your hair color its awesome... hope you don't mind you sister in laws old roommate follows your blog. :)
Your hair looks great! You are meant to be a blonde.
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