with two,
it takes twice as long to wake up in the morning.
twice as long to eat breakfast (my breakfast)
twice as long to take a shower.
twice as long to put on makeup.
twice as long to clean the house.
twice as long to get the diaper bag ready.
twice as long to change diapers.
twice as long to leave the house.
twice as long to get out the car.
twice as long to play with kids.
twice as long to fold laundry.
twice as long to make dinner.
twice as long to post a blog (that's why lately all I have are pictures, or nothing.)
twice as long to go to sleep.
my day is over.
wake up. start over.
This is my reality. The hardest part of having two little ones is how exhausting and time consuming it is. I have a list of 25 projects I have been dying to do, but before I know it, the kids are in bed and I want to be in bed too. Tomorrow will be different. nope. still tired. TOMORROW I will sew that!! NOPE. too tired. TOMORROW I AM STAYING UP LATE AND DOING EVERY PROJECT I HAVE! I can't. I am SO tired and the baby is probably going to wake up in an hour.
How do some of you women do it!? it's unreal.
Zach had this weekend off so this was my chance!!! Guess what. nothing done. and i am so tired.
At least the dishes are done, and my kids are happy right? That's all that matters.
Monday. I will paint and sew Monday. I can do it.

It's like you got into my brain and wrote my thoughts! You're not alone, I'm feeling the same exact way! Hang in there Caitlin!
Where did you get that "real-ity" idea? Hey, speaking of sewing, can you make me some pillows out of that blacka and white fabric in the middle of that stack?
Just lower your expectations. Maybe instead of sewing and painting, you should just be happy with making meals and doing laundry, you know? That's what works for me. Then I don't get so hard on myself.
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