Sunday, August 15, 2010


..were streaming down my face from laughter as I took the last picture available on my memory card. Why? because after I took this sweet picture ..                                                             and this one too...

I said, "Jonah can you smile really big!?"

..and he did just that.


Anonymous said...

OH. MY. GOSH. I too have TEARS from crying while laughing! That is the funniest picture you can one day use to blackmail him with for sure. WOW. now post more.

Unknown said...

Gideon and I are laughing SO HARD right now. Funniest picture maybe ever. It is even better that he's in his underwear. This post was well worth the wait.

KC said...

SO I can't believe you left his underwear in color. weird. I mean does he have to wear just his underwear anyway

Cristin said...

Wow, he could be a model because he takes direction so well!

Jay & Tammi Roberts said...

Your kids are so cute, and lucky you that you had one picture left, it was meant to be!