Sunday, October 10, 2010

baby Joshua

Congratulations to Kaci and Salesi! They had a beautiful baby boy this morning. Lucky day of 10-10-10!

                                       Robert Crow Uipi (named after our (6th) great grandfather? 
Joshua Lonati Uipi
6 pounds 13 ounces 
19 inches long

he is such a cutie. But the poor little guy inhaled meconium and is in the NICU being treated for pnemonia probably for another week or two. Pray for the little guy. His mommy and daddy want to take him home soon!

it broke my heart mostly because the poor guy isn't allowed to eat! They are nourishing him through an iv. I'd be hungry! But I guess since he is breathing so fast they don't want to risk him inhaling anything else.

Check out my handsome nephew. 

Lots of dark dark hair. 

These are the only pictures I could take. Every time the camera clicked he started to fuss.


Anonymous said...

so SO cute!!! I hope he gets to go home soon:(

Anonymous said...

you should probably change this post now that his name is something completely different!!! baby JOSHUA LOPATI! haha!

Jay & Tammi Roberts said...

Congrats to Kaci! Such a cute little baby... the same thing happened with Dylan, but luckily he didn't have to spend any time in the NICU.