Saturday, April 23, 2011

big sister

Emma Pooh,
I can't believe you're about to become a big sister. You are still my baby girl and I don't want you growing up that fast!

But then again, I am so grateful to have such an independent 17 month old! I don't have to worry too much about having another baby so soon because I know how easy going you are. (let's hope it stays that way!) It has been so different having a girl. You tease a lot. Jonah was never that way. I guess I expected you to be just like your big brother and want to rough house all day.  But you are so girly and cuddly, I love it. You want to walk around in my shoes, play with your pretend jewelry box and brush your crazy hair all day! You definitely have a major goofy side to you! The way you will eat anything we put in front of you amazes me. Where are you storing it all? Aunt kelley says she is sending you a box of food for your birthday.
                     I melt every time I see you run to the door to greet your daddy. You have such a special connection with him. Jonah and you are becoming best friends and I love that you two play together and make each other laugh all day. Jonah loves you so much and really watches out for you.

What a lucky girl you are! You are loved by so many and will have three men protecting you the rest of your life!
                                                                  I love you Emma! -Mommy

1 comment:

Cristin said...

Emma is SO cute and big. I can't wait to see you guys.