Kaci threw Kelley a baby shower last weekend! Of course it was beautiful and over the top! So there is a lot of decor pics. Some are blurry but still had to post since they are so beautiful and the food was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Excited for this baby girl to make her debut in February!!!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
the boys
Seriously? He's really only 5!? Such a big kid now! Ah! Kindergarten next year!
I sure love these boys. Jonah always has a lot of energy, a lot of questions, and a lot of love.
Micah is a happy guy who tries so hard to keep up with his siblings. As of late, he enjoys climbing on the oven, climbing on the table, throwing toys in the toilet and flushing them. After He flushed a thomas train down the toilet, Zach removed the whole toilet and found the train stuck at the very bottom! I don't know how it even got that far down! Toilet seat locks have helped a lot. :) I need to take more pictures of every day life with these kiddos. I'm going to be better about that, after all this is my journal. Sad but true.
The only way to take a picture of Micah is to stick him in a tree!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
our big girl!
Emma "officially" turned 3 yesterday and I still can't get it through my head! Yesterday at the store, as I was grabbing some candles for her cake, I almost got a number 2 candle but ended up getting some sticks. It wasn't until I was putting the candles in the cake that I realized she was actually three!
My little girl is getting so big! She is such a girly girl too. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because duh. she IS a girl but for some reason I always thought she would be such a tom boy being in the middle of two boys.
For her birthday she asked for a baby doll and balloons. Pretty easy. Zach and I gave her a baby doll with a little high chair and she is obsessed! She loves pink. To the point that she wont eat unless her plate or bowl is pink.
Emma also has her own fashion sense. She is in that lovely phase where she throws temper tantrums if you don't let her wear the snow boots 5x her size to the grocery store.
Loves dressing up! At least twice a week she is running around in some crazy princess costume she made up!
Her favorite food is oatmeal,tortilla chips, carrots and apples. I'm not joking. She is definitely a Goodrich. Jonah has the biggest sweet tooth and refuses to eat oatmeal (even with sugar) says it "it tastes like nothing!" But Miss Emma could eat it all day long!
I also need to write down a big accomplishment for Emma! No more binky!! We've tried and tried to take it from her but she is stubborn . and then one day, she lost it! So she was forced to sleep without it and I "never" found it! muahaha. oh we are so sneaky.
Jonah and Micah just adore Emma. Jonah always tries to boss her around and say things like, "Emma, Im going to put you in time out if you cant be nice to me. " or "Emma, I love you! Your my little sister!"
We are so happy that this sweet and feisty little girl is apart of our family!
We love you Emma!
Happy Birthday!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Emma and Papa's Birthday
She picked out her outfit for the party. She definitely has her own style!
Kaci decorating the most amazing chocolate cake ever!
She even made a special cake for Emma!
Papa and our three.
her face says it all! About to open presents!
Kaci and Salesi gave Emma the most adorable clothes and headbands!
Emma showing off one of her headbands.
Mormor and Papa gave Emma a Baby Dora and a cute paper doll book. She is obsessed with that baby Dora!
Thank you mom for having us all over for a wonderful night of yummy food and family! Happy Birthday dad! Thank you for graciously sharing your day with Miss Emma! And thank you Kaci and Salesi for coming and the beautiful delicious cakes Kaci!
Jonah cheering his team
Jonah started soccer this fall. He absolutely loves it! Here are some pictures from one of his games. I was actually surprised at how well he's doing! He's definitely got his daddy's soccer skills.. and not mine. ;)
Always the tounge sticking out for concentration.
Headed for a goal!
Ready to get back in the game
Emma practicing her camera skills
We're so proud of Jonah and how hard he tries! Even when he gets knocked down, misses a goal, or runs into the post, he gets back up, wipes his tears and keeps on going! Whenever a teammate makes a goal Jonah runs over and gives them a hug or a high five! The funniest moment was when Jonah had the ball and was surrounded by the other team he yelled out to his teammate, "Hey! Can you help me!!!!" In this age group you don't have a lot of communicating going on between players, so it gave everyone a good laugh.
Friday, November 2, 2012
It's the month of Thanksgiving.
It's been a rough week, Emma in her terrible two's throwing tantrums, and Micah not sleeping. That's a long story, but in short. it's been a week full of chaos.
never the less, as I reflect on my crazy week,
I am so blessed.
I love being a mother. Nothing is sweeter than when Jonah asks me to hold him and tells me I'm the best.
He always seems to say it right when I need to hear it.
And after Emma finishes one of her tantrums, when she just wants to be held, I realize that maybe it's not something wrong with "mommy" that's making her upset.
Hearing Micah say mama for the first time after a long day.
Life can be hard, I tend to worry a lot. too much.
It's so easy to get caught up in the little things. Temporary problems.
Things that seem so important, but at the end of the day, as we kneel down for family prayer, suddenly what really matters is so clear. The dishes that didn't get clean, The laundry that's piled high, a husband's hard day at work, and my lack of completing a to do list, does not even matter.
Because when all is said and done, we have a loving Father in Heaven.
And he is mindful of us, and our children,
How Thankful I am for that.
Friday, September 14, 2012
The best part of the night was when Jonah surprised us all by jumping on the dance floor and basically breakdancing to beyonce. Unfortunately since it was so unexpected, I didnt have the video camera ready till a few seconds into it. But heres everyone getting down! Enjoy!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
utah trip part 1
Oh the joys of reuniting with family! We had so much fun up in Salt Lake and loved being able to be apart of Ben and Megan's wedding. Here is a serious overload of pictures. And this is only half of it!
Love Emma's face
Finn and his beach wedding attire
Beautiful Katie and Gideon, was such a good sport bringing her tiny nursing baby Mason.
Micah was not happy he couldnt roam free during the ceremony.
(A Side Note: Zach messed with the camera settings and it took me a while to notice that the camera had the date at the bottom of every pic.:( )
Ben was on cloud nine.
Not the best pictures of the place settings but I think was holding Micah and trying to take pictures at the same time.
Grandpa and Micah
Delicious appetizers and Dinner. Megan went to so much work and it turned out beautiful!
Our tram ride down to temple square the Sunday we left
Finn would have jumped in the reflection pool if we let him! He was soaked!!

No particular order here...
Lots more to come!
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