Friday, November 2, 2012


It's the month of Thanksgiving.
It's been a rough week, Emma in her terrible two's throwing tantrums, and Micah not sleeping. That's a long story, but in short. it's been a week full of chaos.
 never the less, as I reflect on my crazy week,
I am so blessed.
 I love being a mother. Nothing is sweeter than when Jonah asks me to hold him and tells me I'm the best.
 He always seems to say it right when I need to hear it.
And after Emma finishes one of her tantrums, when she just wants to be held, I realize that maybe it's not something wrong with "mommy" that's making her upset.
 Hearing Micah say mama for the first time after a long day.
 Life can be hard,  I tend to worry a lot. too much.
It's so easy to get caught up in the little things. Temporary problems.
Things that seem so important, but at the end of the day, as we kneel down for family prayer, suddenly what really matters is so clear. The dishes that didn't get clean, The laundry that's piled high, a husband's hard day at work, and my lack of completing a to do list, does not even matter.
Because when all is said and done, we have a loving Father in Heaven.
And he is mindful of us, and our children,
How Thankful I am for that.

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