Friday, February 17, 2012

the Farm

We went to a farm with Jonah's preschool class. Jonah had so much fun!

Emma was scared of all the animals. She would not let me take a picture of her, and the only thing she was finally comfortable with was the ice cream she got in the end!

She just hung out with Mormor the entire time. 

She was even a little freaked out about picking carrots! Maybe she needs to get out more?

Jonah was in love with all the animals. He was mooing at the cows and holding the baby goats. He was grabbing the fresh eggs. 

Eating icecream with friends. 

picking some fresh carrots with he ate as soon as we got home!

Feeding the cattle

playing with dirt

So much fun for the kids!


Kaci said...

that's cute

Anonymous said...

Emma is so girly! I can't wait til she's older and her aunt Kelley can take her shopping!