Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mr fix it

If Jonah ever finds a screw driver lying around, beware. He will find something, and take it apart, then lose the screws before you can say stop. 
So I decided to just give in to his fascination with parts and buy an old tape recorder at the goodwill. 

 It was fun to watch him figure out how to take off the back cover and unscrew ever little bolt inside.

And it kept him very quiet and busy for about an hour! I'm thinking of stocking up on old junk.

The funniest part though, was when he was finished and I asked him if he had fun he said, "yes....well. No. Mommy, I want to build something, not break something!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jonah is so smart and he's growing up so fast!