Saturday, December 8, 2007

baby it's cold outside

This literally happened in matter of hours.

My husband, who is very comfortable driving in the snow, wouldn't even go to the grocery store today. .... we're eating ramen for dinner.

So we've spent the evening lying around, watching good old 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' a classic.


Anonymous said...

are you guys okay? do you want to have dinner with us tomorrow? do you need me to bring you food? we ended up going to the christmas party and it was a lot of fun. Our good old suv is amazing and worked like a charm. let me know if you need any food!

Cristin said...

It's crazy living in the snow, isn't it? I have been stuck too many evenings in the house with no food because of the snow, so I always try to have a little extra stocked up during the winter. Despite my best efforts I still find myself eating ramen like you guys.

Kaci said...

did you guys move your funiture around in your living room or is that my imagination? anyway caitlin, you better get some better FOOD STORAGE for the winter! ramen.. eew

Kaci said...

all I gotta say is YAY soo glad I am NOT living in utah!!!! I LOVE AZ