Here's dilemma #2 : Nursing. Suddenly Jonah is such a messy eater! He constantly spits milk and coughs everywhere while nursing! It's sooo frustrating! I don't know why he's suddenly having a hard time. (On top of that, He is NOT latching on well and it kills!) This morning I pumped some milk, gave him a bottle, and wallah! No problems! He gulped the milk down with no coughing, no spitting! So, do I start using a bottle from now on? Or do I continue nursing in hopes that he comes out of this phase he's going through? I don't know.. SO those are my questions. .. I'm up for any advice! I'm just new at this I guess. At least my baby eats, and his fat will keep him warm this winter!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
A Diet?
Here's dilemma #2 : Nursing. Suddenly Jonah is such a messy eater! He constantly spits milk and coughs everywhere while nursing! It's sooo frustrating! I don't know why he's suddenly having a hard time. (On top of that, He is NOT latching on well and it kills!) This morning I pumped some milk, gave him a bottle, and wallah! No problems! He gulped the milk down with no coughing, no spitting! So, do I start using a bottle from now on? Or do I continue nursing in hopes that he comes out of this phase he's going through? I don't know.. SO those are my questions. .. I'm up for any advice! I'm just new at this I guess. At least my baby eats, and his fat will keep him warm this winter!
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There's nothing wrong with being in the 75th percentile and what "book" says only feed your kid every 4-6 hours? Babywise? If you're asking for advice, this is what I think:
1. Go to a La Leche League meeting and bounce some ideas off the women there. (Or at least call the local La Leche League leader and talk to her about the latching on thing over the phone.) It's really a good place to talk about problems with latching on, the definition of "excessive" weight gain, etc.
2. Until then, continue to feed on demand. If you're concerned about mistaking his crying for hunger then check other things first like - is he cold, does he need his diaper changed, does he want a pacifier?
I honestly think one of the worst things you can do is be paranoid that you should not be following your own instincts as Jonah's mother. You know what is best for him. So what if he is healthy? Good for Jonah. No baby is going to be overweight because of an all breast milk diet, I don't care what any book says. Your breast milk has a way of "regulating" itself. Feed Jonah when YOU think he needs to be fed, ignore the clock, and ignore that book telling you he should be on a schedule.
That's my advice, for what it's worth. From experience, I know it is really hard to be a mother for the first time. I was always second guessing myself, but you need to follow your own instincts. And if your instinct is to feed him then do it. But seriously, 75 percentile is nothing to be concerned about.
One more thing about the bottle - of course you can give him a bottle, but all the time? Do you want to be pumping until he is a year old? Or spend $$$ on formula. That would be really hard, I think. You'll get through this period of time, nursing has it's hard moments, i.e., when they don't latch on, when they bite, etc. But in the long run, I think nursing is way easier than a bottle because it is all ready to go. My sister-in-law Emily had a hard time nursing and she ended up pumping breast milk and feeding it to Grace in a bottle for many many months. Bless her heart, because that is way too much work. That is like feeding two kids instead of one. Just keep chugging along. I really think you would like La Leche League because you could ask all your questions.
Thanks for the advice Cristin. Trust me, I don't have the patience or discipline to strictly pump milk. I really think i just have a heavy let down and that probably is making it hard for Jonah to keep up with me. haha. I'll try the le leche league. and im not putting Jonah on a schedule! And I always check his diaper, wrap him up, and give him a pacifier. He still wants to eat every 2 or 3 hours. Fine with me! You are right about the milk regulating itself. Thanks again.
cristin... do I feel a new blog coming on... (advice center?)
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