Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring is in the Air!...

..and I'm loving it!I take Jonah for a walk almost every day now and the other day i realized that he has never experienced grass! He was a little out of his comfort zone but I think he enjoyed it.

This is my favorite because it shows exactly how Jonah was probably feeling about the grass... confused.


amber {and co.} said...

what a sweetie pie- the look on his face is priceless :) the bottom two pictures look really cool, did you use a special setting on the camera??

Me and The Boys said...

Those are the cutest pictures! Ofcourse you have a cute baby to take pictures of!

Jay & Tammi Roberts said...

How fun!!! I can't wait for spring to arrive...also, you've been tagged. Go to my blog to get the questions, and have fun!

Lisa Hobbs said...

Look at those eyes. He is such a combo between you and Zach. He is so cute!