The other night I surfed the web to find something cute to do with all this fabric of mine lying around! I really didn't want to get out the sewing machine but I wanted to do something fun and quick (especially since I stay up late waiting for my husband to get home!) and here's what I came up with..
These adorable fabric flowers! You can find the tutorial
here. They are SO easy and quick! I made a whole bunch and didn't know what to do with all them! I started experimenting by making pins for my bulletin board

You can pin them on shirts, sweaters, or magnets for the fridge.. I made a couple head bands for myself! It's times like these I really wish I had a baby girl! Oh Well!!

Jonah saw all my fabric lying on the ground and wanted in on the fun! He especially liked this animal print! Maybe I'll make him a blanket with it. What a model! Cracks me up!
It's funny how you have almost the same face in both pictures when you are posing.
Caitlin, I Know you read books when you were young. Your mother doesn't remember that well. Love, Dad
I love the headbands! Make me one!
I made the flowers w/out a pattern thanks to no printer but it was still fun, my little girl is wearing it now thanks for sharing
So cute!!! make me one!! Seriously! You shoudl call me sometime while you are down visiting so we can let the boys play!
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