..has been so much fun! First, Jonah turned 9 months old! He is such an old man now!

He's learning so many tricks..He's saying "TA DA!"

His hair is WILD...sooo curly!

It was my sister Kelley's birthday on Tuesday, and all the girls went to the beach! The beach was nice except for the creepy oil plants on each side!

Jonah did NOT like the beach! I also wasn't very prepared for the trip, this picture shows everything I had with me. Since Jonah was afraid of the sand and the water, we spent most of the time cuddled on my tiny towel, while ants crawled all over us.

Poor husbands, they work so hard, while we layout at the beach.

Afterward, we went home and ordered Take out from Outback! Then we all sang Happy Birthday to Kelley with the beautiful cake I made. The only candles we could find said 23. Kelley didn't mind being a couple years younger!

And today Jonah found a new fort! He climbs in every cabinet he can fit into!
That was a lot of fun- thanks for my cake!
You're right... that kind of looks like the beach... sort of.
Lol your little guy is super cute i love the cabnet photo! You guys look like your doing so good. How long are you out there for anyways?
he's a boy version of caitlin!
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