Since this is my only form of keeping a journal/scrap booking. .(I know it's kind of sad) I feel like I need to post in honor of our anniversary.wowzars...two years? I love Zachary so much. I look back to when we got married and think how much I loved him then, but how much
more I love him now.Zach is so patient and loving to me. He still opens my door for me, rubs my feet when I put them on his lap, and he even puts the toilet seat down! What skill! He has worked so hard these past two years, and I know he does it for me and our family. Here are some of our wedding photos:

You know how girls wear their prom dress to church the day after prom? I always thought it would be so funny to do the same with your wedding dress! Can you imagine!?
“I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” -Rita Rudner

Happy two years to us! I can't wait for another one!
Very good......
whoo hoo, happy anniversary! You guys are so cute, I love the picture of Zach jumping over you :) Congrats on 2 years!
I don't think that I have ever seen your wedding pictures. They are so cute! I LOVE you hair! HAHA! Plus, I am so happy for you that Jonah is sleeping through the night!
I love your wedding pictures! They are so beautiful!!! Altough I have never met Zack, I think you guys are such a cute couple! Happy Anniversary!!!
Aw. . . remember laying out by the pool?
"I wish best friends could get sealed."
"Yeah, me too. . . Hey! You should just marry my brother! Then we'll be sealed AND you can spend every christmas with me!!"
"oh Katie. . ."
Two Christmases later. I'm so glad you two really did fall in love and get married!!! Love you sister.
happy anniversary!!!
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