Wednesday, January 14, 2009

blah blah blah

I've been neglecting my poor pathetic blog lately. Why? I have no idea. I have nothing interesting to write about. So this post is basically just to fill in a gap. Enjoy!

*Jonah turned 15 months!

I know it's not a birthday or anything, but it's just a reminder that my baby is getting older and crazier! He is seriously a monkey!! He climbs on the kitchen table, coffee table, top of the couch, dishwasher (when I don't stop him in time). His favorite movie is Curious George, but since Jonah started speaking monkey, we're trying to stay away from George for a while. Jonah doesn't talk yet, but he has plenty of other ways to communicate with us. His favorite way is to drag our hand all around the house! He loves playing in the snow, dancing, vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, you name it. I've trained him well. Jonah really does do these things for fun!If he is every cranky, I ask him if he wants to vacuum with mommy? Jonah is instantly in heaven. So cute!!

* Almost four months later, and I'm still going to Physical Therapy!
Zach's finally doing better, I wish I could say the same for me. Our car accident really took a tole on my back. But after months of my therapist working on my back, and no improvement, I started noticing some pain in my chest. I explained to him how after the accident the E.R. Doctor thought I broke my ribs. So my therapist switched gears and it turns out (so we think) that my back isn't improving because my chest muscles are completely inflamed! Now, three times a week, I want to knock myself out while he basically inflicts more pain on me then I have ever experienced! I would rather be in labor for 48 hours straight than go to therapy for one hour. I just keep telling myself it's worth it. I just hope it's not another FOUR freaking months before it is!!
I'll try to remember to take more pictures so I can actually have something to post.


Cristin said...

Get Skype so we can do the webcam!

amber {and co.} said...

oh man Caitlin that's rough, I'm sorry! Physical therapy is a lovely little place I like to call hell. I hope they've pinpointed the problem so it can be fixed! Oh and PLEASE fill me in on your secret of getting your child to love cleaning, I could definitely use that little tip!

The Meyers said...

Yay I found your blog! Miss and love you guys and you look WONDERFUL! Much love, Cousin Erinn