Wednesday, April 22, 2009

an otter pop and no belt

Makes for a perfect summer day! Am I dreaming? I can't believe summer has FINALLY arrived. We are definitely taking advantage of this amazing weather!
You know it's summer when:
1. Your husband mows your lawn and is outside doing tricks on his bike.
2. You run your ceiling fan at night, and kick off all the covers
3. You drive with the windows rolled down
4. Drinking tons of ice water and eating lots of popsicles is all you want to do
5. Your husband finds a mountain of ants, pours gasoline on it and lights it on fire
6. The whole neighborhood comes out in their bathing suits to watch the show. 
7. The ice cream truck just came by, again
Check out those shorts!! ..or diaper.


Charles said...

He sure is a good looking boy!

Cristin said...

Why didn't you take pictures of the ant hill on fire? That would have been really cool to see!

Cristin said...
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Anonymous said...

or Zach doing tricks on his bike? Those shorts will last Jonah for years...