Today was the start of my new life...
I discovered Macey's car shopping carts.

(they look like this, except mine was really old. . but who cares)
Where have you been all my life?
Now I normally do most of my shopping at Wal-mart.. just because you can't beat the prices, and I will most likely still buy my milk there, it's only $1.49 a gallon! But.. I decided to just go to Macey's today because I knew if I got that desperate, they have soft serve ice cream I could bribe Jonah with.
Lately it is a nightmare taking Jonah to the store with me. I usually put off going to the grocery store until either Zach goes with me or watches Jonah. It's just such a disaster with him. Every time I do, he wants every item I put in the cart, (like the milk and yogurt and cheese, ya know..stuff he can't have in the shopping cart) he doesn't want to sit in the cart, and I end up opening and buying cookies and fruit snacks that I normally would not buy just to keep him in his seat.
Then, when I get the register, Jonah tries to climb onto the counter and slide my card and sign his name. I just try not to do it, unless I absolutely have to.
Well I realized this morning, I was going to have to do the unthinkable. That's why I went to Macey's. I had every escape planned out and made sure my bag was loaded with milk and goodies. I must normally go there when it's super crowded because I have never seen the car shopping carts there before. Jonah was in car heaven!! I stopped at the bakery, got him a cookie and he just sat there as happy as can be eating a cookie and making car noises. It was so AWESOME! It was the first time in a long time that I wasn't panicked while shopping with him. Thank you to whoever came up with those special carts. Genius.
It's worth the extra money to have an experience like that.
---and one more thing----
I love being able to choose paper or plastic, and being asked if I need any help, because one day.. I probably will.
You just don't get service like that at a Wal-mart.
Just watch it, because kids will grab the stuff on the lower shelves and shove it in the car cart when you aren't looking. Or run out of the car cart and escape... both have happened to me numerous times.
Yea that is true, but Jonah was buckled in.
I love those carts too, until you have two kids and they try and kill each other sitting so close in such a small space, then you always end up holding one of them anyways. Some one needs to invent a grocery store day care. I would pay for that!
I'm surprised you have never seen those carts before. I see them everywhere! (but I shop at a lot more places than wal-mart) ha ha
I just got caught-up on your last few posts. It is a good way to journal about your life. You might want to print-up your entries. (A few years ago I lost an e-mail account in cyberspace forever...) You have quite a list going for Jonah's accomplishments. He'll love looking back on that when he's older!
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