We have exactly one week until we move. Normally, at this point, I would be panicking while I try and pack every thing in sight, but thankfully this time the move is being taken care of. So instead, to get ready I am washing clothes, cleaning out under the bed and couch, and getting rid of everything we don't want. I have a feeling it's going to start getting crazy though. So far, here is the plan.
Friday (tomorrow): It's Zach's only day off before the movers come, so I need to take advantage of it! Finish cleaning out our house, drive up to S.L.C. to pick out a new bed. (which is also awesome because the moving company is picking it up for us). Go shopping to get a dress for Katie's wedding (without Jonah!)
Saturday: Finish all the wedding details I am assigned. (hopefully)
Monday, tuesday: Clean, take down curtain rods, clean out cupboards, and put everything aside we don't want the movers to pack.
I know some of this stuff sounds simple but everything takes more time when you have and are packing for a toddler.
Wednesday: Movers come and pack
Thursday: Truck comes and loads up our house. We clean like crazy, Katie's bridal shower, continue to clean.
Friday: Wedding, lunch in, reception!!!
Saturday early morning: load up our air mattress we've been sleeping on and take off for good!
I can't wait for this next week to be OVER!!!!! Actually, I really just can't wait for everything to be packed up. I'm so tired of stressing about what to do with all this stuff!
This is what Jonah did yesterday while I was cleaning out a room. He figured out how to turn on the xbox and play a movie.. a netflix movie. Yes it's a cell phone pic. Can't find my camera again.

Here's another picture I found. Haha! This is how I feel about little girls these days.

When I was her age, I had bushy eyebrows and looked like a boy! literally! I just think it's crazy when I see little nine year olds walking in the mall holding a purse, a cell phone, and wearing makeup.
How do you stop your kids from growing up too fast? There are just too many gadgets, shows, and magazines these days that influence these little girls. I'm worried that even if I avoid all that with my own daughter, her friends will be the ones to influence her. Can you win?
I love wedding lunch ins. They are da bomb.
Seriously, though, good luck. Moving is really hard and stressful.
I love lunch ins too, but not as much as I love eating break fist.
I'm so sad you're moving day is so near. it makes me sad to think when I get back you won't be just a short drive away.
you forgot to add that on tuesday we are doing your hair!! I am happy to report that I am done with wedding details!!! Only the fun parts left. I couldn't have done it without you!!
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