Jonah is becoming such a big boy lately! He has the funniest personality and I love watching it come out more and more!

We took Jonah to our ward's halloween party/trunk or treat. I wasn't sure if he would wear his costume but he was the complete opposite! He was a bee, as you can hopefully tell, and the only funny thing about his costume was his hood was really tight. It looked so uncomfertable to me, and he would not let us take it off! I think the picture really shows how smooshed his face is. Funny boy.
I should have taken more pictures of the night. Jonah loved showing off and comparing his costume with all his friends. Oh and trick or treating was like the night of his dreams! After each candy was put in his bucket, he would want to stop to observe and eat each piece. After a couple trunks, he knew exactly what was going on.
Then, when he woke up after his crazy fun filled night, he came down stairs looking like this:
I sure love this guy. He makes every day very interesting!