Monday, October 12, 2009

He's a maniac!

First of all thanks every one for the awesome milk ideas! I have been using a lot of them! I checked my milk again, and only three are expiring on the same day. Still a lot of milk though! A lot of you asked why I would have that much milk, well believe it or not but between Zach and Jonah, I usually buy four gallons of milk at a time! I think what happened this time though was we had company in town who bought their own milk and we ended up drinking theirs before we got to our milk. I guess most people don't drink whole milk like we do. mmm.. I can't drink anything less than 2%.

Okay so what is with my son wanting to be nude ALL THE TIME. It's getting bad. The other day, we took Jonah to Tucanos and he took his shirt off in the restaurant. Since I didn't want to cause a scene I didn't make him put it back on, and then the whole restaurant sang happy birthday to my shirtless little man! What Pride!

It has become a daily battle with Jonah to keep his clothes on. The worst part about it, is he has started taking off his pants and peeing all over the place, just like a dog. I don't get it! He was just doing so well going potty in the toilet and now it has completely back fired on me! Just the other day, he took off his diaper and there was poop Hanging off his bum! (I know, so gross!)
I'm so tired of fighting with him to keep his diaper on, his pants and shirt on. So i came up with a brilliant solution.
I thought, maybe if I buy Jonah really cheesy Thomas pajamas he will want to keep his clothes on! At least around the house. It's been successful so far, but who knows if it will last. And if your solution is to just put a onesie on him, he can break out of anything now!
This kid needs a straight jacket.


KC said...

does zach have train pjs too?

KC said...

oh, its a blanket... i couldn't see

Brittanie said...

I like the pj idea. I hope it works for you!

Kathleen Goodrich said...

I never have liked kids (or adults) wearing pjs all day long :)Do you think you'll still have the undressing in public problem, or will he insist on wearing those pjs 24/7? Maybe you can find some Thomas clothes he likes, Thomas shoes, etc.