She is getting to be s o m u c h f u n!

I walked away and forgot to move the jar of food and when I came back I found her covered!
She l o v e d finger painting with carrots.

As I was folding laundry Emma pulled herself up to get a better look.
As you can tell, I love having a daughter.

Kaci gave Emma this Tutu and even though it's still too big, I couldn't help myself but put it on!!on her of course. But I secretly wished it fit me too!!! I'm so weird.
..Then she kept pulling her headband off!!! No!! Does this mean she's not oblivious to whats going on up there anymore??

Emma is getting such a little personality!
She has this endearing smile where she kind of moves her eye brows up and down. It makes me wonder what it will look like when she's sixteen!
Emma is crawling like a pro. She will crawl after me and chase a ball around the floor.
She does not like it when when Zach or I walk away from her. She's probably worried Jonah will take control of her.
She is a terrible sleeper!! Last night she was up every hour~ Her pediatrician refereed me to an Ear Nose and Throat doctor. She thinks Emma has the same things going on as Jonah. Great.
But, aside from all that She is a happy girl. She l o v e s baby food, nursing, and when I give her tastes of water with my straw.
She tries to clap and wave. Yesterday I was attempting to teach her to say Mama and she actually started to watch my lips and copy what they were doing!
She wants to walk so badly!!! I'm guessing she will be walking at ten months. Sometimes when we set her down she stiffs her legs so she can't sit.
Happy 7 months baby girl! We love you!
So cute! I didn't want the pictures to end!!! She's getting so big... I sure do miss Emma :( and Vak does too!!! I need to visit more!
Loving all of your pictures! You could totally make money doing photography! Your kids are stinking cute!
I guess we all know what to get you for Christmas... a tutu.
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