Six months ago we took Jonah to a hearing specialist to have his ears checked. His pediatrician was concerned about his lack of vocabulary at two years old. According to the "development chart " At two years old, kids should be have a vocabulary of around 200 words minimum, and should at least be putting three words together in a sentence. Jonah's vocabulary consisted around 10 words and well, obviously he couldn't exactly make a sentence.
The hearing test came back normal, and a week later (and $200 worth of medical bills) a light must have come on because Jonah really started talking.. and hasn't stopped since!
To some, Jonah probably doesn't sound like a very clear speaker. Some may even think he doesn't hardly make sense. He definitely has a hard time sounding out words correctly.. must take after his mommy.
(I was in speech therapy till the 5th grade! Yikes!
Don't even get me started on my memoirs of that!)
But for Zachary, his grandparents and myself, we are thrilled at how far he's come!
Jonah still hasn't grasped certain sounds like the "k" .
And it makes for some pretty cute sentences.
He says things like "Look mommy! a red dar! It's so fast!" (car)
"Shoo! Shoo! Ditty Dat! You are in big trouble!" (kitty cat)
"Mommy? A choc choc dee-dee please, please, please???" (cookie)
He also struggles with the "T" sound and calls Thomas the Train "Bhomas the Train"
Yesterday, after a lot of practice he finally said "Jon..nah!" rather than his usual "Ja- Ja!"
It's the funniest thing when people hear him saying , "No! Ja- Ja do it!" or "Ja- Ja 's Milk.... Ja -Ja's toy!... No! Ja -Ja sing the song!!" Every one always asks me, "What is he saying? What's Ja- ja???"
"Oh, that's just what he calls himself."

We are really careful about the words we use in front of him now. I have a bad habit of saying "crap".
Lucky for me, in Jonah's language it translates to "brap" But I hear him say it to himself all the time when he drops something etc. and I know it's going to look Really BAD once he says it correctly!! oops.
Jonah also loves to mimic me and it's sometimes very hard to discipline a boy who thinks it's fun to "discipline himself". Up until this last week he was taking his diaper off and pooping in a closet almost every day!!! Boy was that exhausting!! He always came out with poop in his hands saying "Bad jaja! Don't do dat adain!!!" and then it would just kill me when he would say "oh dosh." under his breath just like I say "Oh gosh."
Every building is a "house"
Jack in Box is the "Lunch House"
the hospital is "Doctor's House"
Grocery store is "Food House"
Church is "Nursery House"
Emma is a "Bad Boy"
He always says "Mommy? (or) Daddy? Hold you?" when he wan't us to hold him.
If I say. "Do you want to do it? " He responds ," No! Mommy! Ja-ja do it!!"
I am crossing my fingers that his terrible twos has hit it's peak and that he will slowly not be such a know it all.
If I read him a book. He has to read it. If I sing him a song. He sings it. Not mommy.
Every toy is Ja Ja's toy. Not Emma's.
He's not all boss though. Jonah is always giving hugs and kisses and the sweetest thing is when I tell him to do something he responds in "O-day mommy." without fail.
When we say "I love you Jonah. " He says "You too mommy. "
And even though sometimes he won't stop running around screaming the Thomas song at the top of his lungs. I wouldn't have it any other way.
We love you, Ja-Ja.
Oh Ja-Ja. It'll be fun to watch him and Charlie talk to each other when we come.
I love those pictures!!! I'm so happy Jonah finally started talking!
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