Sunday, February 5, 2012

she's my baby

I have been waiting for this to happen, it took her two weeks to figure it out.   Emma loves to be apart of anything Micah does. She sits in his car seat at church, she crawls on the floor with him, and she even stands next to him in his high chair while I feed him food and I swear she is saying "FREE FOOD!" as she opens her mouth like a dog and tries to get me to feed her too.

Look at Micah, that confused boy. He's thinking "Hey! I thought this bouncer was for me!?  Let me in!"

I could NOT get her out of here, She probably tried to bounced in here for forty minutes until she got out.  I  am seriously considering raising the straps up so she can use it too! Zachary joked about buying a cage with a bowl of water for Emma, but this might work too.  

Here is Micah trying to scale the side of the bouncer.  

 This morning Emma went potty on the floor twice, and the second time she was jumping in the puddle. 

Yes, she just want's to be a baby I guess!
I guess we will just keep you in diapers, with a onesie on and you can hang out in here all day!

1 comment:

Cristin said...

I thought this was really cute till you mentioned that she jumped in a puddle of her own pee! Gross!!!