Sunday was a special day for Daddy. Jonah had the idea of decorating the house and making daddy a card. He made him the cutest card too, and tried so hard to write inside all by himself. In the card he wrote, "Daddy, I love you. You are my best friend. Come to church and I will sing you a song and then we can come home and play together. You're friend, Jonah. "
We made Daddy a special breakfast. Orange Rolls and peaches. Yes, I used the Pillsbury dough. But hey. When Church starts at 8:30 a.m. that's the best I can do!
Emma picked Daddy some flowers and woke him up . It was so cute to see how excited Jonah and Emma got to surprise Daddy. They sure love him!
I just hung up a tiny banner. But Jonah still counted that as a decorting!
My parents were driving home from Utah on Fathers Day and ended up getting home early so we decided to just make dinner a family affair and have my sister and Brother in law over as well. Glad I had enough food for everyone and it was so fun to celebrate with all the dads together. I made Zachary's favorite meal growing up, which I never make, Good ol' Roast and mashed potatoes! yum! It was actually really yummy too! Probably not as good as his mom's but I tried my best to atleast make the meat tender and the gravy good. Thanks to my sister Kaci for taking all these pictures of our dinner!(And helping me cook too ;)
And for dessert we had razzleberry pie and ice cream. Also Zach's favorite! It's funny to me that Fathers day seems to be celebrated with food and Mother's day is celebrated with flowers.., Am i weird that I think that's funny? yes. ok, moving on!

Micah was so happy to see his Papa again. I wanted to post this picture So Zach's parents can see how much Micah now loves the rocking horse they gave the kids for Christmas!
It's very sad, we didn't actually take a picture of Zach or Salesi and my Dad on Father's day. I saw this one, I guess kaci took it and it is the only one of all three! So here they are, the great fathers, dishing up their yummy dinner. Sorry you got blurred out dad!
Emma and the flowers she picked for her daddy.
Jonah, Emma, and Micah are SO LUCKY to have such an awesome daddy. He really is the best with them. I didn't expect Zach to be home on Sunday because he was supposed to be on call at the hospital. But I guess when they were passing the call schedule around at work they asked him if he wanted Father's day or Mother's day off and he responded that he wanted Mother's day off and would work Father's Day. His co-workers asked why he would want Mother's Day and not Father's Day off and he said
"Because I want to be home and celebrate my wife!"
I guess all the ladies in the room thought that was the sweetest thing and one woman said,
"Now that's a man! You let me know when you and your wife split up."
and Zach replied,
"Umm.. ya, That's never going to happen. we're going to be together forever."
HAHA! They must have thought he was so sweet that someone else took his call shift. I'm so happy we could celebrate father's day with him. I've always known that Zachary was meant to be a father. He just has that tender spirit about him and he cares so much. I love how involved he is with the kids and is always trying to find new ways to teach them and help them feel loved. Jonah right now is especially attached to his daddy and is always telling Zach, "Daddy you're my BEST FRIEND!..Daddy, show me your HUGE MUSCLES! ..Daddy I want to work at the hospital and take care of people too!"
And my dad and Father in Law! Both such great Dads! My dad has always been there for me and never forgets to tell me that I'm loved. It means the world to me that we now get to live so close to my Mom and Dad and Jonah has become so close with his Papa. He is so patient with Jonah and calls me almost every weekend asking if he can take Jonah somewhere. And my father in law is so wonderful and I'm so grateful for him and the way he cares about Zach, me and the kids. He has always been there for us and especially for Zach. I'm grateful that Zach is so close to his father and can call him and talk and always receives wise council from him whenever he needs it. We miss Zach's parents so much!
We sure love daddy!
Aww that was such a sweet post! Zach is such a great dad and that is so cute what he said at the hospital!!! I love reading your blog
Ummmmm...I'm just a LITTLE confused here... now WHY in the world didn't you tell ME that you made ORANGE ROLLS!!!!?????
And yes, I did take that blurry pic of Dad, and that wonderful pic of the meal.
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