Sunday, November 11, 2012

our big girl!

Emma "officially" turned 3 yesterday and I still can't get it through my head! Yesterday at the store, as I was grabbing some candles for her cake, I almost got a number 2 candle but ended up getting some sticks. It wasn't until I was putting the candles in the cake that I realized she was actually three!

My little girl is getting so big! She is such a girly girl too. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because duh. she IS a girl but for some reason I always thought she would be such a tom boy being in the middle of two boys. 
For her birthday she asked for a baby doll and balloons. Pretty easy. Zach and I gave her a baby doll with a little high chair and she is obsessed! She loves pink. To the point that she wont eat unless her plate or bowl is pink. 
Emma also has her own fashion sense. She is in that lovely phase where she throws temper tantrums if you don't let her wear the snow boots 5x her size to the grocery store.
Loves dressing up! At least twice a week she is running around in some crazy princess costume she made up! 
Her favorite food is oatmeal,tortilla chips, carrots and apples. I'm not joking. She is definitely a Goodrich. Jonah has the biggest sweet tooth and refuses to eat oatmeal (even with sugar) says it "it tastes like nothing!" But Miss Emma could eat it all day long!
I also need to write down a big accomplishment for Emma! No more binky!! We've tried and tried to take it from her but she is stubborn . and then one day,  she lost it! So she was forced to sleep without it and I "never" found it! muahaha. oh we are so sneaky. 

Jonah and Micah just adore Emma. Jonah always tries to boss her around and say things like, "Emma, Im going to put you in time out if you cant be nice to me. " or "Emma, I love you! Your my little sister!"

We are so happy that this sweet and feisty little girl is apart of our family! 

We love you Emma!
Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

KC said...

That's cute. you should update your blog everyday.